Pupil Log Books & Planners designed specifically for your School
Our Pupil log books and Planners are customised to your exact needs. So far we have never found two schools with exactly the same requirements.
We will design a pupil record book with you to track reading, phonics, spellings, homework and anything else you would like to add.
A custom, full colour cover, specific to your school, with spiral binding and lamination given to the whole thing.
Our schools have told us that using our Home / School partnership books has resulted in Ofsted reporting OUTSTANDING for Home /School communication.
Pupil Log books are actually school records providing insights about their strengths and areas that need focusing on.
We have also designed into our planners, motivational tools to encourage good behaviour, reading and home reading. In fact if a school presents us an area they want to focus on in the coming year, we will work with them to develop a way to motivate this within their school planner.

Most pupil planners are around 100 pages.
At design3i, that means 100 pages designed specifically to your needs.